Christian Texts and History • How many Karl Kautsky are found today?
It has been Bermejo-Rubio who has invited warmly me to read Karl Kautsky the first time, and only after the reading I knew the reason of this unexpected invitation:the reading of Kautsky had to be, in...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • The only way I can save the Markan priority...
To my knowledge, the only way to save the Markan priority is along the lines well described by Robert M. Price: 1) the secrecy is in Mark more than in *Ev, more than in other gospels, etc;2) even so,...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: How many Karl Kautsky are found today?
"It requires a real courage the profession of a historicist belief based only on the Gospels"Uh... since when? Until the mid-20th century most people tended to agree that the Testimonia Flaviana were...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: The X-Files: Chrēstos / Christos / Χρειστος
Corpus Inscriptionum LatinarumVI.24944 In his commentary, Boman refers to an epitaph inscription (CIL VI:24944) dating to possibly before 37 AD/CE that mentions a man named "Iucundus Chrestianus."I...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Last Son of Man Standing another idea will come along. Btw there is on the narrative level of GMark probably no better candidate for the "abomination of the desolation" than...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: zoom conf. "Next Quest for the...
Looking through Bermejo Rubio's newest book, I can follow his citations of authorities pretty well, and his interpretations of them, as they were all topics of discussion in the old Crosstalk2...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • The earliest witnesses to the New Testament
Note: This research was originally done for my thread analyzing the origins of the Pauline epistles, but seeing as it also encompasses the remainder of the New Testament (and to a lesser extent, the...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Making sense of the Pauline Epistles
Polycarp, Ignatius, and Papias are done, but there's a long way to go.Maybe put them up as you go along: I'd like to see them, and you may get some good feedback.I'd love ti see the Polycarp,...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: The earliest witnesses to the New Testament
Some very interesting points here. Thank you.Third - and this one is really interesting to me - there does not appear to be a SINGLE indisputable reference to Mark in ANY of these writings. There are...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Not even *Ev was the Earliest Gospel...
Thus, the shape of Euangelion provides evidence to consider it as a pre-canonical redaction of the Gospel of Luke. The stylistic kinship between both redactions of the Gospel of Luke, as demonstrated...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Josephus Ant. 18.63-64 and 20.200 as quoted...
Yes it's important to note. However it has a kind of reverse mountainman argument. We know a Christian scribe transcribed the more original exemplar. While it is important to note what was the result...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Bermejo-Rubio and the Titulus Crucis...
The first words out of Pilate's mouth are "You are the king of the Jews." As Kunigunde points out, that is not necessarily a question, although it is often rendered as such. Antipas isn't widely...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • The Marcionite Rejection of Christ
When people reject the entire notion that "Chrestos" was once used as the title of Jesus they already put a low estimation on the value of the Marcionites. "Oh they were a sect." "Oh the Church...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Justin's Two Advents of Christ and the Title...
Has anyone considered what impact Justin saying that the "real" Christ would only appear in the second advent? Was this a way of reconciling the two titles, the "nice guy" (Chrestos) first and then...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Justin's Two Advents of Christ and the...
Dialogue 31-32??31Justin: But if so great a power is shown to have followed and to be still following the dispensation of His suffering, how great shall that be which shall follow His glorious advent!...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: The Marcionite Rejection of Christ
it's not about Marcionite kooky sect, the epistles & pastorals of the NT argue Jesus wasn't the Messiah quite convincinglyonly 6 books of the NT say Jesus is the Messiah, that's it you only need...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Anti-Good vs Anti-Messiah?
It interesting, however, that the term used was "anti-Christ" as opposed to "anti-Jesus" or "anti-Lord". If XY ΙΥ means Good Jesus, then converse Not-Good Jesus, or "Hostile Jesus" is an apt...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Relation between "Gospel" and...
As we know, "gospel" means "good news". So do we have εὐαγγέλιον of χρηστός or εὐαγγέλιον of χριστός?Why are we being told about the "good news"? Why is Paul's message "good news"? Is it "good news"...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Relation between "Gospel" and...
As an aside, the gloss of the English word "good" in these matters is often problematic.It leads us to find connections that may or not be apparent to the Greek writer.In any case,So do we have...
View ArticleChristian Texts and History • Re: Reading the Paulines with Good instead of...
I'm not sure if this approach has any merit, its just a thought experiment. You're good.Either way, it seems to me that Paul often uses it as a name.This might be a slight indication in favor of...
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