This scientist's theory sounds clever! ... ry-bc.html
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Dr. Martin Worthington of Trinity's School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies has proposed a new solution ... He argues the Assyrian words for the five symbols (lion, eagle, bull, fig tree and plow) contain, in the right sequence, the sounds that spell out the Assyrian form of the name "Sargon" (šargīnu).
Dr. Worthington explained, "I can't prove my theory, but the fact it works for both the five-symbol sequence and the three-symbol sequence, and that the symbols can also be understood as culturally appropriate constellations, strikes me as highly suggestive. The odds against it all being happenstance are—forgive the pun—astronomical."
Statistics: Posted by billd89 — Sat May 04, 2024 3:18 am