IF Marcion is trying in good faith to prepare a critical edition of the original Gospel using Luke as a basis, then it is IMO plausible that he would be reluctant to remove material from his corrected Luke which was paralleled in Matthew and/or Mark....................................................
More recent commentators https://sites.google.com/site/inglisonm ... ed-on-mark have noted that the "omissions" by Marcion are strange in another way: They are almost all Lukan sondergut:
"Knox observed, “Of the verses which [sic] there is positive evidence to show did not belong to Marcion, 79.7 per cent are peculiar to Luke. Of all the verses of Luke which are peculiar to Luke, 39 per cent are known to be missing in Marcion, whereas of verses of Luke paralleled in Matthew or Mark or both, only 10 per cent are known to be missing from Marcion.”
It would be quite weird if Marcion just took his scissors to Luke's sondergut--how would he even know it was Luke's sondergut?
This argument is almost comically pro Ev priority.
Andrew Criddle
Statistics: Posted by andrewcriddle — Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:01 am