I think it is clear that the singular is more likely in context than the plural. See viewtopic.php?p=168367#p168367 However I think this should be kept separate from the question whether the letter looks more like an iota or a sigma. It leads to confusion if we end up saying, maybe it does look more like a sigma but it is really an iota because that makes more sense.Singular or plural?
Here is Smith's translation from Secret Gospel (1973) page 17:
"....But "naked [man] with naked [man]" and the other things about which you wrote are not found."
In the Clement book (1973) page 447:
"...But "naked man with naked man," ..."
Whoever wrote this, which is more plausible, in context:
naked man with naked man
or naked men with naked man?
Andrew Criddle
Statistics: Posted by andrewcriddle — Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:45 am