Due to Zuntz and Klinghardt's realignment of the dating of the Pauline Corpus and the first commercial gospel *Ev, the only logical conclusion is that the first literary creator to mention the historical Jesus is Josephus.
The authors of Paul's letters took the old fragmentary story from Ant Josephus and developed it towards resurrection and revelation supported by exegeses of the LXX. They did not think of creatively supplementing the hero's biography.
Paul's authors came up with the idea that Jesus from TF, about whose biography little is known, was resurrected and from this they derived the divine Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus. Sometimes Paul uses these words like a name and surname.
The gospel writers were more creative. They simply created a fictional narrative for a person about whom only what is known in Ant.
Jesus Christ seems to be a historical person about whom his future followers learned several dozen years after the fact, not from the gospels, letters, or oral tradition but from readers of the writings of a certain historian.
Funny. Simple. Could be a real thing
Due to Zuntz and Klinghardt's realignment of the dating of the Pauline Corpus and the first commercial gospel *Ev, the only logical conclusion is that the first literary creator to mention the historical Jesus is Josephus.
The authors of Paul's letters took the old fragmentary story from Ant Josephus and developed it towards resurrection and revelation supported by exegeses of the LXX. They did not think of creatively supplementing the hero's biography.
Paul's authors came up with the idea that Jesus from TF, about whose biography little is known, was resurrected and from this they derived the divine Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus. Sometimes Paul uses these words like a name and surname.
The gospel writers were more creative. They simply created a fictional narrative for a person about whom only what is known in Ant.
Jesus Christ seems to be a historical person about whom his future followers learned several dozen years after the fact, not from the gospels, letters, or oral tradition but from readers of the writings of a certain historian.
Funny. Simple. Could be a real thing
Statistics: Posted by JarekS — Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:07 am