Are you referring to the Marcionite versions of the Pauline gospels?
Were the Marcionites the keepers of the original Christian faith?
(1) Was their faith represented by the original Pauline epistles?
If so, where did the author of the original Pauline epistles get his ideas from?
or, Are you referring to a preMarcionite version?
or, Would the Marcionite versions of the Pauline gospels just be the preMarcionite version (if there, indeed, were such a preMarcionite version)?
Did 'they' reject it?(5) Was the original belief that Jesus came down out of heaven to Palestine?
If so, why would this be so offensive to every other Christian, so that they rejected it and suppressed the story?
Would it have been offensive to those who might have heard it?
Could 'original beliefs' have simply been repurposed?
eg., a change from Marcionite Christianity to orthodox Christianity simply just happened?
Was 'Judaification' a main factor?
Statistics: Posted by MrMacSon — Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:14 pm