No one, as far as I know, has mapped out the various Paths followed by Vespasian and especially Antonius Primus and Mucianus, to see if the Time Lines are even possible.
"Hastily fitting out a fleet of Liburnian ships he pursued Anicetus..."
Oh, RILLY!!!
Mucianus went to the local Boat Store and ordered a fleet of Luburnian Ships for Kwik Delivery?
Something's weird here. Primus does the Job against the Vitellians and Mucianus takes over.
Let's play Beat The Clock!
All of this happens on a Time Table that has the Interested Parties hitting Rome at Juuuust the Right Time.
Yeah. OK. Sure.
Per usual, Mr. MacSon, you are ahead of the curve.
No one, as far as I know, has mapped out the various Paths followed by Vespasian and especially Antonius Primus and Mucianus, to see if the Time Lines are even possible.
"Hastily fitting out a fleet of Liburnian ships he pursued Anicetus..."
Oh, RILLY!!!
Mucianus went to the local Boat Store and ordered a fleet of Luburnian Ships for Kwik Delivery?
Something's weird here. Primus does the Job against the Vitellians and Mucianus takes over.
Let's play Beat The Clock!
All of this happens on a Time Table that has the Interested Parties hitting Rome at Juuuust the Right Time.
Yeah. OK. Sure.
Per usual, Mr. MacSon, you are ahead of the curve.
Statistics: Posted by Charles Wilson — Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:33 pm