I'm not sure what else there is to say about the texts. What Church writers say about Marcion lines up with the citations you've given of the Ebionite Matthew and the Clementine writings (which are commonly thought to incorporate the other Ebionite writings mentioned by Epiphanius).
Why do these similarities exist, is the issue for me. And I think it's because Marcion used the Ebionite Matthew, since Ebionites are said to have branched off from the first Christians, and those first Christians are said to have used a Hebrew Matthew (which by my reading fits what Papias says about Matthew). And over and over again, Epiphanius points out the Ebionite gospel's connection to Matthew.
I also think it would be strange for a sect that hated Paul to use a gospel that was created or endorsed by someone who exclusively followed Paul.
Why do these similarities exist, is the issue for me. And I think it's because Marcion used the Ebionite Matthew, since Ebionites are said to have branched off from the first Christians, and those first Christians are said to have used a Hebrew Matthew (which by my reading fits what Papias says about Matthew). And over and over again, Epiphanius points out the Ebionite gospel's connection to Matthew.
I also think it would be strange for a sect that hated Paul to use a gospel that was created or endorsed by someone who exclusively followed Paul.
Statistics: Posted by John2 — Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:47 pm