I'm not following you, no. Could you translate the full sentence and then explain it?From what I see in the photo of the text above, Tselikas got it right and Morton Smith wrong. There is no "naked man to naked man" in the text. The authors of this text corrects a spelling mistake made by the person to whom he writes and states that "naked men" is wrong and "naked man" is right.
Is my explanation making any sense to anyone?
Τὸ δὲ γυμνοὶ γυμνῷ καὶ τἆλλα περὶ ὧν ἔγραψας οὐκ εὑρίσκεται.
I would understand it as: 'But the naked men with naked man and the other things about which you wrote are not found.' I take the two words γυμνοὶ γυμνῷ to be what Theodore wrote to ask about and Clement is saying they are not found in the text of the secret gospel.
Are you taking the two words separately, with Clement saying γυμνοὶ is not found in the text but γυμνῷ is? Could you explain a bit more how that reading works and what the significance of γυμνῷ being in the dative is? I realize there are options other than the 'with' I used, but I'm not seeing how your reading works.
Statistics: Posted by Ken Olson — Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:42 pm