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Christian Texts and History • Re: History of the challenge to apostolic authority (esp Peter)

Erich Dinkler, Die Petrus-Rom-Frage: Ein Forschungsbericht, Theologische Rundschau, NEUE FOLGE, Vol. 25, No. 3 (1959), pp. 189-230 (42 pages)

The Peter tradition that developed and consolidated between the author of the first letter to Clement and Leo I actually only became a 'Peter question' when it was questioned by the Waldensians and by Marsilius of Padua in his Defensor Pacis. On the one hand, it was intended solely to serve historical truth, but on the other hand, it could not avoid including consequences for the doctrine of the primacy of Peter and his successors on the Roman see. After Protestant criticism tried to answer the Peter question with a clear no to Peter's stay in Rome in the anonymous text 'Tractatus quod Petrus apostolus nunquam Romae fuerit', which appeared after the Leipzig Disputation of 1520, the Catholic Church has the dogmatic fixation of the tradition in Session 4 of the Vatican Council decided in the so-called Constitutio dogmatica de ecclesia Christi, and here tried to eliminate the 'question' as such by saying yes to tradition.


Statistics: Posted by Kunigunde Kreuzerin — Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:39 pm

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