Interesting essay here, regarding the genetic basis of 'the Seven Deadly Sins' (which I have been examining as an ancient Jewish cosmological system, hinted at in Philo Judaeus) and therefore - etiologically speaking - 'disease.' ... r-physical
Reader reviews of Dr. Guy Leschziner's new pop-cult book, Seven Deadly Sins: The Biology of Being Human (December 2024): ... r-physical
There remains no consensus among scientists or philosophers on the nature of free will, whether we all have it or if it is illusory. In all likelihood, as with the essence of the seven sins, our degree of free will sits on a spectrum, too. For the moment, however, who should be the arbiter of the lines between the normal and the pathological, the biological and the moral? Is it the physician, the scientist, the judge, the philosopher or the priest?
Reader reviews of Dr. Guy Leschziner's new pop-cult book, Seven Deadly Sins: The Biology of Being Human (December 2024):
Statistics: Posted by billd89 — Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:31 am