I can accept that as being true.It's an example of hallucinations by LLMs.
While this is also true it is important to understand that (IMO) there are also differences between the similar disciplines of classical and biblical history in addition to the focus of their scope and subject matter.A more commonly accepted term is historical-critical method, and it's named this way to emphasize that it's the same concepts as used in similar disciplines.
I will respond further to all the above (including Caesar's "Gallic Wars") in the discussion of primary sources.I also don't think classical scholars generally are ready to use the newspeak you are advocating where having only medieval manuscripts render otherwise ancient sources into a category of "secondary sources."
Well said PK. Will LLM's ever escape the (human) gravity well of GIGO?The LLM equivalent of "whatever you say, boss."
Statistics: Posted by Leucius Charinus — Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:54 pm