I disagree with you here, PK.The fourth gospel at John 19:17 contradicts Mark, saying that Jesus carried his own cross. Underneath this contradiction are two different memories of the same event...
There were 2 Crucifixions, one Symbolic and the other "Real".
Mark DOES tell of this second Crucifixion with "The Woman With the 12 Year Issue of Blood" and "Jairus' Daughter".
"12 Years" encompasses 2 Mishmarot Cycles of 6 years each (Eisenman and Wise). The rotation finds Duplicate Passover times during the same week. The first "Crucifixion" (in Mark) finds a Mishmarot Priest saved by the child Character "Peter". 12 years later, the Priest returns to Jerusalem and is captured and Crucified as seen in John.
"My God, my God, for this was I spared?"
Two witnesses? That ain't all.
I know, I know...YMMV.
Statistics: Posted by Charles Wilson — Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:56 pm