We probably can't place any text to any specific date or even any narrow 'date range' ...Thanks for all these references.
If we can confidently date Barnabas to 70-75, then it would be easy to demonstrate that Mark borrowed from this epistle
Because these texts would have been 'moving feasts', rolling corpuses (or whatever euphemism/s or metaphor/s one likes) over many years: over decades; or even over a century or more.
- One might call them notebooks (or even, by way of analogy, a google doc lots of people had access to: to copy; to edit in an original community; to edit as one's own, second edition version, +/- to produce one's third (or fourth) version (+/- shared or not)
We can only say when there is manuscript or patristic evidence that the text in a particular manuscript (or fragment thereof) was similar to, say, Codex [whatever]; or similar to our current versions (or to a specific current version [whatever: KVJ, CEB, NRSV, etc]).
- We're doing that now with the Marcionite Euangelion {aka *Ev} (and what Jason BeDuhn & Markus Vinzent have been and are still doing to try to recreate Marcionite versions of the Pauline epistles)
- The Nestle-Aland version of the NT, Novum Testamentum Graece, has lots of footnotes about lots of old manuscript traditions of canonical texts in explaining their 'critical apparatus.'
28th Edition (2012): This edition had to accomplish two different tasks. First, the apparatus had to be revised thoroughly to give it more clarity and make it easier to use. Secondly, the text-critical in-sights and decisions resulting from work on the Editio Critica Maior of the Greek New Testament had to be incorporated.
Result: The Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece, from its first edition to the present day, has provided an outstanding working text suitable for study and research, as well as for church and school use, in a compact, affordable edition. It puts its readers in a position to make their own judgments in matters of New Testament textual research. An international and interconfessional editorial board is currently preparing the 29th edition. It will bring many changes, especially in the Gospel of Mark and the Acts of the Apostles.
https://www.die-bibel.de/en/scholarly-b ... stle-aland
Statistics: Posted by MrMacSon — Mon May 20, 2024 5:45 pm