Various posts here propose that Rome invented Christianity.
I won't attempt a summary version of those various proposals because they do not, even remotely, agree with one another.
Roman religion, early on, seems largely a warmed-over Greek religion, with new names.
(Maybe with Etruscan and other influences.)
Religions such as Mithraism and Christianity may have been attempted eventually to be co-opted, but were not original to Rome.
I won't attempt a summary version of those various proposals because they do not, even remotely, agree with one another.
Roman religion, early on, seems largely a warmed-over Greek religion, with new names.
(Maybe with Etruscan and other influences.)
Religions such as Mithraism and Christianity may have been attempted eventually to be co-opted, but were not original to Rome.
Statistics: Posted by StephenGoranson — Fri May 10, 2024 1:43 pm