This represents both an exhibit and a collection of essays on forgery. It is very wide ranging and very interesting. It does include a number of Christian forgeries including the Donation of Constantine and the proliferation of Holy Relics from the later 4th century for over a thousand years
I wrote to the House of European History from the above link and enquired how I might obtain a copy of some of these articles. They asked for my address and posted out the entire exhibition catalogue and the essay collection.
Fake for Real: A history of forgery and falsification
Andrea Mork
House of European History
Andrea Mork – Tessa Ryan – Julian Hale (eds),
Fake for Real: A history of forgery and falsification.
Temporary Exhibition Catalogue, House of European History, Brussels (Luxembourg 2020) ... sification
Andrea Mork
House of European History
Andrea Mork – Tessa Ryan – Julian Hale (eds),
Fake for Real: A history of forgery and falsification.
Temporary Exhibition Catalogue, House of European History, Brussels (Luxembourg 2020) ... sification
I wrote to the House of European History from the above link and enquired how I might obtain a copy of some of these articles. They asked for my address and posted out the entire exhibition catalogue and the essay collection.
Statistics: Posted by Leucius Charinus — Thu May 09, 2024 4:59 am