That's just it. There can be any number of reasons for any number of possibilities. The end of all of this is simple we don't know. We only have guesses. Good guesses even. But still guesses.
you leave out oral tradition and stuff we don't know about to inform Mark's omission of Joseph. there's no reason to think mark knows matthew when there could be any number of reasons why, rumours such as those you mention doing the rounds.
Matthew provides a good base against the Johannines. If Galatians is a response to it, that leaves the question as to where Mark is up in the air. Mark is such an obscure production that even Irenaeus isn't sure where to put it. Personally I think it had something to do with Montanism; but I can't exclude the possibility of the Marcosians having access to it.
Statistics: Posted by Joseph D. L. — Tue May 07, 2024 2:53 am