The last point counts really as a typical example of editorial fatigue:
How could Mark say that "when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything" (4:34) when, episode after episode, the same disciples are total idiots in Mark?
Best answer: the negative portrayal of the disciples is a courtesy by Marcion, and vainly Mark 4:34 could make the disciples less idiots than they were already in *Ev.
How could Mark say that "when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything" (4:34) when, episode after episode, the same disciples are total idiots in Mark?
Best answer: the negative portrayal of the disciples is a courtesy by Marcion, and vainly Mark 4:34 could make the disciples less idiots than they were already in *Ev.
Statistics: Posted by Giuseppe — Wed May 01, 2024 2:41 am