Love that - 'endless genealogies'. After all, the Logos can't be tied down to any one date on the calendar. However, if it's flesh and blood we are after - then genealogies do have their function.1 Timothy 3-4, even if a Catholic epistle, is still reluctant to accept the genealogies found in the incipit of Matthew and Canonical Luke.3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work—which is by faith.
Since the evidence is overwhelming that 1 Timothy comes after Marcion, then the conclusion imposes itself: that Matthew and Canonical Luke come after *Ev.
Dropping birth narratives is one thing - but it does not negate their relevance. It simply suggests a two tier system....flesh and blood and spirit/mind/Logos.
Statistics: Posted by maryhelena — Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:56 pm