Interesting. Paananen and Viklund wrote that there are 56 circumflexed upsilons. 37 of those are written in a continuous stroke, 13 are written with the circumflex as a tilde, and 6 special cases. So my question is, which of these are consistently formed with an unusual pattern of pen movements?IIUC we are not only dealing with isolated unusual letter formations scattered through the letter. There seem to be consistent usages.
For example the omicron upsilon with circumflex word ending occurs around 30 times in the letter. It looks to be normal cursive at first glance but it seems to be consistently formed with an unusual pattern of pen movements.
Andrew Criddle
In the 43 cases of the letter upsilon connected with the circumflex accent, we can find only a few examples in which the line with some probability could be described as non-continuous, and these exceptions are quite explainable. They are all coherent with the way this scribe wrote certain letters or letter-combinations.144
144 There are a total of 56 circumflexed upsilons (ῦ) in the manuscript. Thirty-seven of those are in the word τοῦ, and there the tau is always written alone, the omicron and the upsilon are written as ligature and are as far as we can tell connected with the circumflex accent in a continuous stroke in every case. Of the remaining 19 circumflexed upsilons, 13 are written with the circumflex as a tilde (this includes all 7 instances of Ἰησοῦ…). The remaining 6 times the circumflex is seemingly done as a continuation of the upsilon or omicron-upsilon ligature and then sometimes apparently done separately. But this is all explainable. ... ... _check.pdf (p. 37)
144 There are a total of 56 circumflexed upsilons (ῦ) in the manuscript. Thirty-seven of those are in the word τοῦ, and there the tau is always written alone, the omicron and the upsilon are written as ligature and are as far as we can tell connected with the circumflex accent in a continuous stroke in every case. Of the remaining 19 circumflexed upsilons, 13 are written with the circumflex as a tilde (this includes all 7 instances of Ἰησοῦ…). The remaining 6 times the circumflex is seemingly done as a continuation of the upsilon or omicron-upsilon ligature and then sometimes apparently done separately. But this is all explainable. ... ... _check.pdf (p. 37)
Statistics: Posted by AdamKvanta — Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:48 pm