This sounds like more on similar themes from Origen.
Commentary on John 1.40
By Origen's analogy, the "inward" baptism seems to allows Christians to consider the eternal gospel, called a spiritual gospel.
Commentary on John 1.40
And that which John calls an eternal gospel, which would properly be called a spiritual gospel, clearly presents both the mysteries presented by Christ's words and the things of which his acts were symbols, to those who consider "all things face to face" concerning the Son of God himself. Consistent with these matters, we understand that just as one is a Jew outwardly and cir[cumcised], there being both an outward and inward cir[cumcision], so it is with a Christian and baptism.
By Origen's analogy, the "inward" baptism seems to allows Christians to consider the eternal gospel, called a spiritual gospel.
Statistics: Posted by Peter Kirby — Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:33 pm