The Bethsaida episode is really a good proof of *Ev's priority over Mark, since it is based on the episode of the blind Bartimaeus.
In both the cases:
In both the cases:
- a blind occurs:
Batimaeus is a blind
a blind of Bethsaida
- a group is walking:
disciples on the way to Jerusalem,
"men as trees walking"
- this group is full of messianic hopes about Jesus
disciples believe that Jesus is davidic,
the trees in Judges 9:8-15 search for a king( = a Messiah).
- a denial is made of the davidic lineage (and humanity) for Jesus:
Bartimaeus ceases to call Jesus 'rabbi' or 'son of David'
the blind of Bethsaida ceases to see men as trees walking
- emphasis is put on the time:
Bartimaeus is son of Timaeus, and in Plato's Timaeus the speculation is about the time.
The blind of Bethsaida is healed gradually in the time.
- In *Ev, at the end Bartimaeus sees clearly about the identity of Jesus: he is not a man, he is not a son of David.
- In Mark the blind of Bethsaida sees clearly and distinctly "everything": Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.
"everything" includes more than only Jesus.
Statistics: Posted by Giuseppe — Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:07 pm