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Academic Discussion • Re: Markan Marcion: A Contrarian Synopsis

Relevant here: an association with Mark is confirmed by Origen.
That's a Marcionite argument Origen is making.
Origen must know both Paul's "my gospel" and Mark's "gospel of Christ Jesus" as Marcionite arguments. And this has to be another attestation that Mark has something to do with "the Gospel" accepted by Marcion.

Origen, Commentary on John 1.79-82
(79) In addition to what has been said, we must know this too about the gospel. First of all, it is the gospel of Christ Jesus, the head of the whole body of the saved, as Mark says: "The beginning of the gospel of Christ Jesus." But further, it is also the gospel of the apostles, on account of which Paul says, "According to my gospel." ...
(81) For the same Mark says, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As it is written in Isaias the prophet, Behold I send my angel before your face, who shall prepare your way. A voice of one crying in the desert, Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
(82) This passage causes me to wonder how the heterodox attribute the two testaments to two gods, when they are refuted no less even by this word. For how could John, the man of the demiurge, and ignorant of the new deity, as they suppose, be the beginning of the gospel, as they themselves think, when he belongs to a different God?

So both Origen and the Philosophoumena score points on Marcionites by saying how even "Mark" doesn't support them.

Statistics: Posted by Peter Kirby — Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:58 pm

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