I never thought about it before, but that's an excellent point. I think the idea behind the Context group's approach is valid, but you're right in that they need to be looked at in terms of their own context, i.e. the culture of the participants of that group. I'll need to revisit their articles with a more critical eye.IMHO, the Context group, at least as presented by Bruce Malina, are/is perpetuating stereotypes of modern Mediterranean peoples as somehow gross, sexist and brutal. "Oh, how fortunate we are live in a western culture which has been transformed, by application of Jesus' social gospel message (better than any other social model, in their view), into a prosperous and safe place to live.
Should this be considered a "milestone?" I don't think that they have proved their point.
Statistics: Posted by GakuseiDon — Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:04 pm