one argument for a proto john is if john were actually using a source for some of it's material and adding a narrative
John reminds me of the way a few gnostic texts do this
So this would be the first person Jesus stuff of an older revelation or treatise. maybe the prologue
John seems quite suited to that approach which the synoptics are different, granted i think they draw from a Thomasine source but they lack the theological stuff that John has which in John would be well suited to an earlier source
John can move around in the fourth dimension of time via earlier layers patterns showing up, and later by redactions. like a time traveler
all the gospels seem to be collecting earlier material. so the synoptics do not have to know john, if john wasnt originally a gospel like text
John reminds me of the way a few gnostic texts do this
So this would be the first person Jesus stuff of an older revelation or treatise. maybe the prologue
John seems quite suited to that approach which the synoptics are different, granted i think they draw from a Thomasine source but they lack the theological stuff that John has which in John would be well suited to an earlier source
John can move around in the fourth dimension of time via earlier layers patterns showing up, and later by redactions. like a time traveler
all the gospels seem to be collecting earlier material. so the synoptics do not have to know john, if john wasnt originally a gospel like text
Statistics: Posted by davidmartin — Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:06 pm