It seems that Kate Leeming has retreated completely from this view held by her in (the far) 2003.However, two researchers (Leeming & Leeming), had since proceeded to compare accounts of things found in common in the War, Antiquities and Josephus' own Autobiography, AND the Slavonic translation of the War, and concluded that the more likely source for the variant accounts (Slavonic War versus the Greek War, Ant & Life) was semi-pagan feudal lords in the Russias, who liked the War for its descriptions of battle tactics and the politics that drove them on. They speculated their own speculations and, since the Slavonic War is not really a translation but a paraphrase, they wrote them into the narrative or left out the boring parts (to them). So, no room was found for an Aramaic version for the War.
Does someone know what is the her current opinion on the Slavonic Josephus?
Statistics: Posted by Giuseppe — Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:46 am