AI reconstruction so far:
"The undersigned Archimandrite Kallistos, Librarian of the Central Library of the Holy Community, provides the book of Saint Sabas the Sanctified, Amsterdam edition of 1646, bearing the notation 'Epistles (61) of Saint Ignatius', which includes the endings of the 'Constitutions' of Prinkipos, referring to the name of Clement of Stromata, and is addressed to a certain Theodore. The unpublished and terminated due to its femininity. The manuscript book was transferred to the Lavra of Saint Sabas, in order to be added to the Collection of Manuscripts of Saint Sabas."
"The undersigned Archimandrite Kallistos, Librarian of the Central Library of the Holy Community, provides the book of Saint Sabas the Sanctified, Amsterdam edition of 1646, bearing the notation 'Epistles (61) of Saint Ignatius', which includes the endings of the 'Constitutions' of Prinkipos, referring to the name of Clement of Stromata, and is addressed to a certain Theodore. The unpublished and terminated due to its femininity. The manuscript book was transferred to the Lavra of Saint Sabas, in order to be added to the Collection of Manuscripts of Saint Sabas."
Statistics: Posted by Secret Alias — Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:04 pm