Well, I hate to add to perfection itself (uh huh) but I was formerly relying on De Jonge for my Philo citations. De Jonge does not include a translation of a work of Philo known as Hypothetica (aka Apology for the Jews), as this is preserved only as a citation of Philo in Preparation for the Gospel.
So, this version draws not only on Pliny, but also adds a 3rd work of Philo, 2 of Josephus' works, and on into the major church fathers Hippolytus, Eusebius & finally Epiphanius.
Now you're in for it ... Enjoy.
DCH![Popcorn :popcorn:]()
So, this version draws not only on Pliny, but also adds a 3rd work of Philo, 2 of Josephus' works, and on into the major church fathers Hippolytus, Eusebius & finally Epiphanius.
Now you're in for it ... Enjoy.

Statistics: Posted by DCHindley — Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:43 pm