The following solution of the Synoptic Problem:
...received the imprimatur by the genial Bruno Bauer:
(my bold)
Even so, I doubt sincerely about the same Markan priority: this is the great ostacle it faces.
I would use willingly the Markan priority to argue against fool Christian apologists and historicists hard-to-die, but frankly the Markan incipit is the furthest I would accept for a first gospel..

...received the imprimatur by the genial Bruno Bauer:
It was only Johann Salomo Semler, whose insightful vision had unraveled many important parts of the history of early Christianity, who discovered (see his German edition of Thomas Townson’s treatise on the Gospels, part one, his epoch-making preface “On Marcion’s Gospel,” Leipzig 1783) that Tertullian’s polemic against the crime of Gnostic forgery was just passionate declamation, and that Marcion had used a shorter version of the Gospel of Luke because he had no other available to him. The fiery African achieved nothing with his invective except that we can now form a fairly complete picture of a Gospel that emerged in the last days of Hadrian from his accusations.
(my bold)
Even so, I doubt sincerely about the same Markan priority: this is the great ostacle it faces.
I would use willingly the Markan priority to argue against fool Christian apologists and historicists hard-to-die, but frankly the Markan incipit is the furthest I would accept for a first gospel..
Statistics: Posted by Giuseppe — Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:38 am