.The paleography is of mixed types and dates, according to a most [notable?] expert Greek paleographer
That's not a proof. Tselikas has his opinion. Apparently you agree that it is unusual that spelling mistakes come up in the transcription of ancient documents. I don't share that view. Nor do I believe that Morton Smith gathered photos of the three manuscripts Tselikas claim 'make up' the handwriting found in the document. I don't know of anyone who shares Tselikas's assessment. I've even heard some Byzantine experts (one in Austria immediately comes to mind) who laughed out loud at the suggestion. I can bring forward a dozen Greek Byzantine experts who say the handwriting is 17th or 18th century. Tselikas offers a dissenting view. There is always diversity in scholarship.
Statistics: Posted by Ken Olson — Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:50 pm