Clement sees a lot of naked Joseph in the Bible. Naked when his brother's stripped him of his cloak and again in this scene:She caught him by his (Joseph's) cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house. [Genesis 39:12]
This is an example of the encratic Gnostic. But earlier Joseph's "stripping" by his brothers there is a similar notion of the mystery rite from Secret Mark:As is right, then, he never prefers the pleasant to the useful; not even if a beautiful woman were to entice him, when overtaken by circumstances, by wantonly urging him: since Joseph's master's wife was not able to seduce him from his stedfastness; but as she violently held his coat, divested himself of it, -- becoming bare of sin, but clothed with seemliness of character. For if the eyes of the master -- the Egyptian, I mean -- saw not Joseph, yet those of the Almighty looked on. [Stromata 7]
Also in the case of Joseph: the brothers having envied this young man, who by his knowledge was possessed of uncommon foresight, stripped off the coat of many colours, and took and threw him into a pit (the pit was empty, it had no water), rejecting the good man's varied knowledge, springing from his love of instruction; or, in the exercise of the bare faith, which is according to the law, they threw him into the pit empty of water, selling him into Egypt, which was destitute of the divine word. And the pit was destitute of knowledge; into which being thrown and stript of his knowledge, he that had become unconsciously wise, stript of knowledge, seemed like his brethren. Otherwise interpreted, the coat of many colours is lust, which takes its way into a yawning pit ... Conceal it, then, from those who are unfit to receive the depth of knowledge, and so cover the pit. The owner of the pit, then, the Gnostic, shall himself be punished, incurring the blame of the others stumbling, and of being overwhelmed by the greatness of the word, he himself being of small capacity; or transferring the worker into the region of speculation, and on that account dislodging him from off-hand faith.'[Stromata 5]
There is some kind of mystery involving nakedness and - as we saw earlier - uttering "passwords" or tolls to the angelic gatekeepers in Clement's Alexandrian community.
Statistics: Posted by Secret Alias — Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:36 pm