Straight way X-curses:
"Israel will suffer the wrath of Allah [boom]" - Hasan Bitmez
The New Porphyry
Straight way X-curses:
Subject of Comparison | "Mark" | "Matthew" | Marcion | "Luke" | "John" |
The speed of the response to the call of Discipleship |
| - |
Commentary | Note that in GMark Peter goes from zero to secty in 3 seconds. | Likewiseguy in GMatthew as at the time GMark was the only source. | Marcion, the likely next Gospel, is transitioning to claimed history. The whatever is the opposite of believable story is now made less unbelievable as Peter is all excited after an entire story rather than just a sentence. | GLuke converts all the way to claimed historical witness. Now Peter's straight away life is completely exorcised faster than Richard Simmons on Fire Island. Strange/bizarre/macabre that "Luke" has no introduction of Peter to Jesus. That's what happens when you edit. The editor knows the story does not sound historical and more importantly already knows GMark. | "John" goes full fake claimed history and fully extends Peters (story). |
"Israel will suffer the wrath of Allah [boom]" - Hasan Bitmez
The New Porphyry
Statistics: Posted by JoeWallack — Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:28 pm