So everything Secret Alias has written testifying to Morton Smith being a slandered heterosexual is now proven rubbish? Oh dear. Color me surprised. And what a hill to die on ...
Whether or not Smith was gay (or bisexual) I do not care; whether a scholar's self-loathing, or a 'hidden self' warped his scholarship this way or that, weeeelllllllll that's fair-game honestly. Smith's issues seem very real and must be factored in evaluations of both his homosexualist conclusions and -- quite possibly -- a bald literary fraud. "Oh, Mary!"
To date, the most interesting revelation about Morton Smith on this forum was my own post, on the 'Antikythera' thread.
Whether or not Smith was gay (or bisexual) I do not care; whether a scholar's self-loathing, or a 'hidden self' warped his scholarship this way or that, weeeelllllllll that's fair-game honestly. Smith's issues seem very real and must be factored in evaluations of both his homosexualist conclusions and -- quite possibly -- a bald literary fraud. "Oh, Mary!"
To date, the most interesting revelation about Morton Smith on this forum was my own post, on the 'Antikythera' thread.
Statistics: Posted by billd89 — Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:29 pm