The big problem with the "Gnostic" concepts of Jesus is that, at least from what I have seen, most "Gnostic" concepts of Jesus, and the Marcionite concept specifically, is they rely heavily on the Gospels and on the idea that Jesus himself was announcing things and making his Father known.
- I don't think so. I think many of the Sethian, Valentinian, Carpocratian, Naassene, etc., texts could well be independent of the canonical gospel concepts and may have preceded them. The Secret Revelation-Book of John (aka the Apocryphon of John) attributed to Sethians is a key 'Gnostic' text that portrays John as the key dude on earth. The Gospel of Philip could well be an intermediate text between some of the texts of these sects and the orthodox, catholic texts.
Statistics: Posted by MrMacSon — Sun Mar 10, 2024 2:31 pm