I agree with that. Even Hecataeus of Abdera allegedly wrote that many of the traditional customs of the Jews were altered during the rule of the Persians (Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library, 40.3):I do not regard the absence of evidence of Pentateuchal material in the Elephantine papyri as strong evidence that the Pentateuchal material did not then exist.
But under the empires which rose up in later ages, especially during the rule of the Persians, and in the time of the Macedonians, who overthrew the Persians, through intermingling with foreign nations, many of the traditional customs among the Jews were altered . . . This is what Hecataeus of (?) Abdera has related about the Jews.
http://attalus.org/translate/diodorus40 ... %20empires
Statistics: Posted by AdamKvanta — Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:09 pm