Here's someone trying to explain this piece of shit term. ... 22&f=false This thing goes on and and on. "Ma and pa taught me the word is Christian." Who fucking cares about your ma and pa. Where the fuck did this piece of shit word Χριστιανός come from? No one says the truth. Χριστιανός is not the original terminology despite your ma and pa and your grandma and grandpa using it. As I said it's some piece of shit word that came through a Trump "I hear ..." moment in antiquity. It's second hand. It only proves that our tradition is secondary. Don't believe the Marcionites used Χριστιανός unless it was imposed on them. Not the original term for believers in Jesus.
I've got to go shopping. We're never going to overturn the fucking "ma and pa" argument. Leave it to the Chinese who will take over after Trump gets elected again by these morons. Maybe they will do a better job with understanding early Christianity. Western scholarship on Judaism (ignoring Samaritanism) and Christianity (ignoring Marcionism) complete waste of time. Just shut these departments down.
I've got to go shopping. We're never going to overturn the fucking "ma and pa" argument. Leave it to the Chinese who will take over after Trump gets elected again by these morons. Maybe they will do a better job with understanding early Christianity. Western scholarship on Judaism (ignoring Samaritanism) and Christianity (ignoring Marcionism) complete waste of time. Just shut these departments down.
Statistics: Posted by Secret Alias — Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:40 pm