In Strabo 3.5.5 it states "But those eight-cubit bronze pillars" which seem short to be pillars. (χαλκᾶς ὀκταπήχεις)
cf. 1 Kings 7:15 He cast two bronze pillars, each eighteen cubits
Its suspect then that Strabo text originally said "two eighteen cubit pillars" and due to copyist mistakes was changed to "two eight cubit pillars".
Could Solomon be also Pygmalion?
cf. 1 Kings 7:15 He cast two bronze pillars, each eighteen cubits
Its suspect then that Strabo text originally said "two eighteen cubit pillars" and due to copyist mistakes was changed to "two eight cubit pillars".
Could Solomon be also Pygmalion?
Statistics: Posted by Ethan — Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:11 pm