That Text Excavation link will be as dead as a doornail, I'm afraid.
I think Ben just had all he could take of the chaos and sometimes abusive comments he was getting (you know who you were ... no, not you ebion).
Here is a table I drew up in 2001 based on a couple of academic collections of essays on the Didache plus my reading on the wandering itinerant hypothesis, but it covers like 1952 to 1996, sorted by date of the original article so you can see where opinion has changed over time:
Gerd Thiessen had applied the same Sociological principals (Mainly of max Weber, who reflected early Marxist socio-economic theory) he and most of these scholars apply to Jesus & his movement, to Paul as a historical figure.
I am not sold on the itinerant Jesus hypothesis, to me it seems to be more interested in preserving the Christian "social gospel" teachings of liberal Christianity (not meant derisively) which are deemed superior in every way to all previous and some subsequent religions. I just think that is making things easy for them, not get at a real Jesus movement. I am much more likely to endorse a militant/political Jesus as recently discussed on other recent threads.
DCH (OK, Boss, back to the oars! <sound of snapping & cracking whips>)
I think Ben just had all he could take of the chaos and sometimes abusive comments he was getting (you know who you were ... no, not you ebion).
Here is a table I drew up in 2001 based on a couple of academic collections of essays on the Didache plus my reading on the wandering itinerant hypothesis, but it covers like 1952 to 1996, sorted by date of the original article so you can see where opinion has changed over time:
Author | Article | Book or Journal | Date | Original | Language |
Audet, Jean-Paul | Literary and Doctrinal Relationships of the "Manual of Discipline" | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1952 | French |
Alon, Gedaliah | Halakah in the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didache) | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1958 | Hebrew |
Bammel, Ernst | Pattern and Prototype of Didache 16 | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1961 | German |
Betz, Johannes | The Eucharist in the Didache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1969 | German |
Rordorf, Willy | An Aspect of the Judeo-Christian Ethic: the Two Ways | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1972 | French |
Rordorf, Willy | Baptism according to the Didache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1972 | French |
Theissen, Gerd | Itinerant Radicalism: The Tradition of Jesus Sayings from the Perspective of the Sociology of Literature | Radical Religion 2 | 1976 | 1973 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | Soteriological Symbolism in the Pauline Writings: A Structuralist Contribution | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1974 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | Legitimation and Subsistance: An Essay on the Sociology of Early Christian Missionaries | _The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity: Essays on Corinth_ | 1982 | 1974 | German |
Niederwimmer, Kurt | An Examination of the Development of Itinerant Radicalism in the Environment and Tradition of the Didache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1977 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | _The First Followers of Jesus: a Sociological Analysis of Earliest Christianity_ | 1978 | 1977 | German | |
Theissen, Gerd | _The Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity_ aka _The First Followers of Jesus_ | 1978 | 1977 | German | |
Mazza, Enrico | Didache 9-10: Elements of an Eucharistic Interpretation | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1979 | Italian |
Theissen, Gerd | "We Have Left Everything..." (Mark 10:28): Discipleship and Social Uprooting in the Jewish-Palestinian Society of the First Century | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1979 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | Christology and Social Experience: Aspects of Pauline Christology in the Light of the Sociology of Knowledge | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1979 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | Jesus' Temple Prophesy: Prophesy in the Tension between Town and Country | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1979 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | Nonviolence and Love of Our Enemies (Matthew 5:38-48; Luke 6:27-38): The Social Background | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1979 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | Sociological Theories of Religion and the Analysis of Early Christianity: Some Reflections | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1979 | German |
Theissen, Gerd | The Wandering Radicals: Light Shed by the Sociology of Literature on the early Transmission of Jesus Sayings | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1979 | German |
Halleux, Andre de | Ministers in the Dicache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1980 | French |
Theissen, Gerd | _Psychological Aspects of Pauline Theology_ | 1987 | 1983 | German | |
Draper, Jonathan A. | The Jesus Tradition in the Didache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1985 | English |
Schoellgen, Georg | The Didache as a Church Order: An Examination of the Purpose for Composition of the Didache and its Consequences for its Interpretation | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1986 | German |
Flusser, David | Paul's Jewish-Christian Opponents in the Didache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1987 | English |
Seeliger, Hans Reinhard | Considerations on the Background and Purpose of the Apocalyptic Final Chapter of the Didache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1989 | German |
Tuckett, Christopher | Synoptic Tradition in the Didache | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1989 | English |
Draper, Jonathan A. | Torah and Troublesome Apostles in the Didache Community | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1991 | English |
Draper, Jonathan A. | Christian Self-Definition against the "Hypocrites" in Didache 8 | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1992 | English |
Theissen, Gerd | Judaism and Christianity in Paul: The Beginning of a Schism and its Social History | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1992 | English |
Theissen, Gerd | Some Ideas about a Sociological Theory of Early Christianity | _Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament_ | 1992 | 1992 | English |
Cody, Aelred | The Didache: An English Translation | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Davis, Cyprian, O.S.B. | The Didache and Early Monasticism in the East and West | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Dehandschutter, Boudewjin | The Text of the Didache: Some Comments on the Edition of Klaus Wengst | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Draper, Jonathan A. | Social Ambiguity and the Production of Text: Prophets, Teachers, Bishops, and Deacons and the Development of the Jesus Tradition in the Community of the Didache | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Harder, Kenneth J., and Jefford, Clayton N. | A Bibliography of Literature on the Didache | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Henderson, Ian H. | Style-Switching in the Didache: Fingerprint or Argument? | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Jefford, Clayton N. | Did Ignatius of Antioch Know the Didache? | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Jones, F. Stanley, and Mirecki, Paul A. | Considerations on the Coptic Papyrus of the Didache (British Library Oriental Manuscript 9271) | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Kloppenborg, John S. | The Transformation of Moral Exhortation in Didache 1-5 | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Milavec, Aaron | The saving Efficacy of the Burning Process in Didache 16.5 | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Mitchell, Nathan | Baptism in the Didache | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Pardee, Nancy | The Curse that Saves (Didache 16.5) | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Patterson, Stephen J. | Didache 11-13: The Legacy of Radical Itineracy in Early Christianity | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Reed, Jonathan | The Hebrew Epic and the Didache | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Riggs, John W. | The Sacred Food of Didache 9-10 and Second-Century Ecclesiologies | _The Didache in Context_ | 1995 | 1995 | English |
Draper, Jonathan A. | The Didache in Modern Research: An Overview | _The Didache in Modern Research_ | 1996 | 1996 | English |
Gerd Thiessen had applied the same Sociological principals (Mainly of max Weber, who reflected early Marxist socio-economic theory) he and most of these scholars apply to Jesus & his movement, to Paul as a historical figure.
I am not sold on the itinerant Jesus hypothesis, to me it seems to be more interested in preserving the Christian "social gospel" teachings of liberal Christianity (not meant derisively) which are deemed superior in every way to all previous and some subsequent religions. I just think that is making things easy for them, not get at a real Jesus movement. I am much more likely to endorse a militant/political Jesus as recently discussed on other recent threads.
DCH (OK, Boss, back to the oars! <sound of snapping & cracking whips>)
Statistics: Posted by DCHindley — Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:17 am