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Christian Texts and History • Re: the black hole of Sinaiticus scholarship due to the faux consensus date

"Sinaiticus scholarship," if you are familiar with it, misled many scholars, precisely in your view, how?
The main problem was that it quickly had an established date of 4th century, without examining the manuscript. This led to scholars unable to consider what would be more reasonable textual relationships. (Also the material sciences were forced to revamp their theories.)

To give one example, it was noted that the Zurich Psalter matches extremely well with one Sinaiticus corrector. An interesting phenomenon. With a tabula rasa you would clearly consider the possibility that the Psalter, or any sister manuscript, was used directly for the Sinaiticus corrections. However, that possiblity, by far the most Ockham-friendly attempt, has not even been mentioned in the scholarship. Simply because of the errant "consensus" dating of Sinaiticus.
This surprising cohesion of the Zurich Psalter and the Sinaiticus corrector was clearly mentioned by Karl Bernhard Moll (1805-1878) in 1869, who did the Psalms in the Lange editions.

"Its readings show more agreement with the Cod. Alex, than with the Cod. Vat., and often confirm those of the Aldine and Complutensian texts. The relation which it exhibits to one of the correctors of the Cod. Sinait. is worthy of special attention. "

Tischendorf had recently published the Psalterium Turicense, and had alluded to the connection.

Monumenta sacra inedita.
Vol. IV. of the Nova Collectio, 1869, the Psalterium Turicense, i

Inprimis vero memoratu dignum est, saepissime illum cum uno ex correctoribus codicis Sinaitici conspiare, eum dico qui in commentariis Ca mihi dictus est.

"In the first place it is worthy of mention, that very often I glimpsed him with one of the correctors of the Sinaitic codex, I mean the one who was mentioned to me in the commentaries of Ca."

Around 1900 Swete pointed this out.

"Zurich Psalter ... The readings of this MS. are in frequent agreement with Codex Alexandrinus, and to a still more remarkable extent with the second corrector of Codex Sinaiticus" - Henry Barclay Swete

Others generally followed Swete.
The most recent was an Italian publication in 2007, by Edoardo Crisci et al.

Edoardo Crisci, Christoph Eggenberger, Robert Fuchs, Doris Oltrogge: Il salterio purpureo Zentralbibliothek Zürich, RP 1.
In: Segno e testo. 5, 2007.
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... Zurich_RP1

The "special attention" still awaits. However, it is likely to show that the Zurich Psalter was in fact used for Sinaiticus corrections, which is uncomfortable for the "consensus" narrative!

Statistics: Posted by Steven Avery — Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:07 am

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