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Christian Texts and History • Re: History of the Bishops of Alexandria a new text and its implications


Contents of the Collection(s)

pp 251-252

In the following table the reader will find the list of the essential textual units preserved in the two collections Σ and V. As for the former, it is worth mentioning that here is offered the reconstructed, presumably original order of the collection: the manuscript was completely disarrayed and for that reason it has been first virtually and later materially restored, yet some leaves appear to be lost.

Collection Σ

(1) The Ecclesiastical canons (ff. 1r-5r);
(2) The History of the Episcopate of Alexandria, with portions lost (ff. 5r-13v);
(3) The Epistle 70 of Cyprian of Carthage (ff. 13v16v);
(4) The Apostolic Tradition (ff. 16v-29v);
(5) The parallel section to Apostolic Constitutions VIII (ff. 29v-35r);
(6) The treatise On the charisms (ff. 35r-38v);
(7) A list of Apostles and disciples (ff. 39r-40v);
(8) The names of the months (f. 40v);
(9) The Baptismal ritual (ff. 41r-46r);
(10) Prayers (ff. 46r-62v);
(11) The 81 Apostolic canons (ff. 63r-69v);
(12) The synod and the names of the fathers of Nicaea (ff. 69v-73v);
(13) The canons of the Council of Nicaea (ff. 73v78v);
(14) The epistle of Constantine to the Alexandrinians (ff. 78v-79v);
(15) The epistle of Constantine on Arius (ff. 79v-80r);
(16) The epistle of Athanasius to Epictetus (ff. 80ra88ra);
(17) The treatise On the unity of God (ff. 88r-100r);
(18) The synod and the names of the fathers of Serdica (ff. 100r-102v);
(19) The canons of the synod of Serdica (ff. 102v109v);
(20) The canons of the synod of Neocaesarea (ff. 109v-111r);
(21) The canons of the synod of Ancyra (ff. 111r114v);
(22) The canons of the synod of Neocaesarea, mutilous (f. 114v);
(23) The synod of Gangra, acephalous (ff. 115r-116r);
(24) The canons of the synod of Gangra (ff. 116r118r);
(25) The synod of Antioch (f. 118r-v);
(26) The canons of the synod of Antioch (ff. 118v124r);
(27) The synod and canons of Laodicea (ff. 124r128v);
(28) The canons of the council of Chalcedon (ff. 128v-133v);
(29) The canons of the synod of Constantinople (ff. 133v-134v);
(30) The council of Ephesus (ff. 134v-135v);
(31-35) Sylloge of Timotheus Aelurus (ff. 135v-160v):
(31) The epistle to the Alexandrinians (ff. 135v-145v);
(32) The epistle to the Constantinopolitans (ff. 145v150v);
(33) The twelve chapters of Cyril of Alexandria (ff. 150v-152r);
(34) The refutation of the council of Chalcedon (ff. 152r-157v);
(35) The treatises of Gregory of Nazianzus (ff. 157v160v);
(36) The canonical answers of Peter of Alexandria (ff. 160v-162v).

Collection V

(1) The creed and canons of Nicaea (version of Caecilian), with a narrative introduction (ff. 37r42v);
(2) The canons of Neocaesarea, in a form of the Isidorian vulgate (ff. 42v-43v);
(3) A letter addressed by a Roman synod under Damasus in AD 372 to the Eastern bishops, followed by three dogmatic passages by Damasus, followed again by a notice of adhesion by Meletius and his synod at Antioch in 379. The original is stated to be in the Roman archives (ff. 43v-47r);
(4) The canons of Gangra, in a form of the Isidorian vulgate (ff. 47r-50v);
(5) The canons of Laodicea in the Isidorian version (ff. 50v-54v);
(6) The canons of Constantinople in the Isidorian version (ff. 54v-55v);
(7) The canons of Ancyra in a form of the Isidorian vulgate (ff. 55v-59r);
(8) Part of the Chalcedonian Definitio fidei, with the final allocution of Marcian at the close of the
Sixth Session, and the canons (ff. 59r-64v);
(8a) The epitome of the canons of Hippo, held in 393 (ff. 64v-68v);
(8b) Ten canons passed by a council of Carthage in AD 421 (ff. 68v-70r);
(9) A unique Latin version of the synodical letter of the council of Nicaea to the churches of Egypt, without paschal section (ff. 70r-71v);
(10) Short notice about the convocation of the Council of Serdica;
(11) The Apostolic canons in the second version of Dionysius Exiguus;
(12) The canons of Antioch in the second version of Dionysius Exiguus (f. 71v + additional leaves);
(13) The creed and anathemas of the Eastern bishops at Serdica in a Latin version (ff. 78v-79v);
(14) Another part of the same encyclical, otherwise unknown, proposing a paschal cycle or easter
calendar (ff. 79v-80v);
(15) The letter of Hosius and Protogenes to Pope Julius retranslated from a Greek version, under a
heading Definitiones aput Sardicam (ff. 80v-81r);
(16) The synodical letter of Western Serdica retranslated from a Greek version, containing the definition of faith known only to eodoret, h.e. II 8 (ff. 81r-88r);
(17) The canons of Western Serdica, retranslated from a Greek version (ff. 88r-94v);
(18) The canons of Western Serdica in the version of Dionysius Exiguus (later hand, written on the palimpsest leaves, and on two new leaves, ff. 97, 98, inserted into the codex for this purpose (ff. 94v-98v);
(19) The unique text of an epistle of Athanasius written from Serdica to the church of Alexandria (ff. 99v-102r);
(20) The unique text of an epistle from some bishops at Western Serdica to the church of the Mareotis (ff. 102r-103r);
(21) The unique text of a letter written by Athanasius aer the synod of Serdica, addressed to the churches of the Mareotis (ff. 103r-105r);
(22) Vita Athanasii from AD 345 (ff. 105r-112r);
(23) Under the heading, Symbolus sanctae synodi Sardici, a form of baptismal renunciation followed by a Latin confession of faith similar to that of the Council of Constantinople (f. 112v);
(24) A unique Latin version of the epistle of Constantine from Nicaea to the church of Alexandria
(ff. 112v-113v);
(25) A unique Latin version of the ‘Porphyrian decree’ of Constantine against Arianism (f. 113v);
(26) Documents connected with the Melitian schism: Letter of the four martyrs to Melitius; letter of Peter to the community of Alexandria; short intermediate narrative

Statistics: Posted by Leucius Charinus — Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:57 pm

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