Perhaps Philo referred to a First Century philosophical tendency derivative from Plato/Socrates, c.390 BC ?
Joseph J. Cimakasky's diss. [2014] "All of a Sudden: The Role of Ἐξαίφνης in Plato's Dialogues" p.122:
Heidegger (in a lecture from 1926/7) (Die Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie, Vol. 24 p.450) said: "Die Ιδέα αγαθού nichts anderes ist als der δημιουργός, der Hersteller schlechthin" {The 'Idea of The Good' is nothing other than the Demiurge: the Maker, basically.} But Philo tells us at DVC 2 and elsewhere that the 'Idea of the Good' is an expression of Divine Mind: the Noetic Paradigm for the Demiurge to work with (i.e., a tool).
Where DVC 2 indicates Four-fold Hypostases of 'God' in this manner, perhaps 'The Good' is some designation of The Holy Idea?
Joseph J. Cimakasky's diss. [2014] "All of a Sudden: The Role of Ἐξαίφνης in Plato's Dialogues" p.122:
Socrates concludes his tale by stating that the cave-allegory “must be fitted together” with his prior account of the divided-line. Thus, the allegory of the cave is an imagistic account of the divided-line’s stages of knowledge and the objects appropriate to each level of understanding (517b1).115 Ultimately, it is “the form of The Good” (τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ ἰδέα) that is the final thing to be seen, and according to Socrates, “it is reached only with difficulty” (517b7-8).116 “The goal of philosophy may therefore be characterized,” according to Miller 2011, 111 “as the assimilation of the philosopher’s thinking to this Good: the perfect purification of his thought.” Once the idea of The Good has been grasped, it will be acknowledged as the source of all that is “correct and beautiful” (ὀρθῶν τε καὶ καλῶν), and generates both the light and its source in the visible realm, while in the intelligible realm it confers “truth and understanding” (ἀλήθειαν καὶ νοῦν) (517c1-4).117 Consequently, anyone desiring to “act sensibly” (ἐμφρόνως πράξειν) in any circumstance must be compelled to grasp the nature of The Good (517c4).118
Heidegger (in a lecture from 1926/7) (Die Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie, Vol. 24 p.450) said: "Die Ιδέα αγαθού nichts anderes ist als der δημιουργός, der Hersteller schlechthin" {The 'Idea of The Good' is nothing other than the Demiurge: the Maker, basically.} But Philo tells us at DVC 2 and elsewhere that the 'Idea of the Good' is an expression of Divine Mind: the Noetic Paradigm for the Demiurge to work with (i.e., a tool).
Where DVC 2 indicates Four-fold Hypostases of 'God' in this manner, perhaps 'The Good' is some designation of The Holy Idea?
If this is correct, Philo might be referencing a more abstractionist philosophic cult or tendency.The Four-fold Hypostases of 'God':
1. Primordial Being: Unknown/Unbegotten Absolute Being
2. Monad (Logos): First Son, Creator, Author
3. Divine Reality: Noetic Paradigm of Creation
4. Henad: Cosmic Reality (Creation: 'Heaven and Earth')
Statistics: Posted by billd89 — Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:36 am