You seem so keen to sell them to someone interested in the early Christian canon on the D$$. Disclaimer: because of their longtime pushing of the Essene Community fraud, if the forum allows users to have a signature: mine will be "BDS the DSS".
None whatsoever. I read what I was interested in the D$$ over a generation ago, back when I fell for their fraud, except for the Habakkuk pesher and that didn't take very long (it's < 200 lines). There are 2 videos on YewTube by Doug del Tondo where he reviews the Habukkuk Pesher and Eisenman's theories, although I remain not convinced:Isn't there a real danger that the texts you're not studying could be closer to what you're interested in?
- 20230825@Dead_Sea_Scrolls_prove_Paul_rejected_by_12_James_Ep_1
- 20230826@Dead_Sea_Scrolls_prove_Paul_rejected_by_12_James_-_Christian_Ebion_Proven_from_DSS_Texts._Ep_2.
Statistics: Posted by ebion — Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:36 am