Thanks, this is a helpful thread.
In the forged material we also have material ascribed to Hyginus (2nd century) and Pope John II (Mercurius, early 6th century).
Are they called Ps-Isidore? Not sure. Maybe Ps-John II and Ps-Hyginus?
These sections come up in discussions about the heavenly witnesses verse:
1 John 5:7 (AV)
For there are three that bear record in heaven,
the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one.
The claim is that the text was from another source, sometimes called Contra Varimadum, c. AD 400.
This was referenced frequently, even Isaac Newton.
Here are the Latin sections: ... post-21036
The exact text, a few chosen words, can bring up the Latin Migne-style sources.
The real Isidore of Seville may have written the Testimonia (or someone else, same time and place) which does have the direct use of the heavenly witnesses verse, also a second solid "hit" and some allusions, I don't think he is given any heavenly witnesses use in the forged documents, just the two church men above, but this is a tricky area, and I have not double-checked. Not sure if he uses an Old Latin or Vulgate text, likely Old Latin, the Vulgate came in more a bit later with Cassiodorus.
In the forged material we also have material ascribed to Hyginus (2nd century) and Pope John II (Mercurius, early 6th century).
Are they called Ps-Isidore? Not sure. Maybe Ps-John II and Ps-Hyginus?
These sections come up in discussions about the heavenly witnesses verse:
1 John 5:7 (AV)
For there are three that bear record in heaven,
the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one.
The claim is that the text was from another source, sometimes called Contra Varimadum, c. AD 400.
This was referenced frequently, even Isaac Newton.
Here are the Latin sections: ... post-21036
The exact text, a few chosen words, can bring up the Latin Migne-style sources.
The real Isidore of Seville may have written the Testimonia (or someone else, same time and place) which does have the direct use of the heavenly witnesses verse, also a second solid "hit" and some allusions, I don't think he is given any heavenly witnesses use in the forged documents, just the two church men above, but this is a tricky area, and I have not double-checked. Not sure if he uses an Old Latin or Vulgate text, likely Old Latin, the Vulgate came in more a bit later with Cassiodorus.
Statistics: Posted by Steven Avery — Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:09 am