'The Treatise of Eusebius Against the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus' by Eusebius
aka, I think,
'The Treatise of Eusebius against Hierocles' (in turn, aka Contra Hieroclem)
Logos has a well-priced publication ($6.99) with Greek and English versions
https://www.logos.com/product/46525/the ... -hierocles
aka, I think,
'The Treatise of Eusebius against Hierocles' (in turn, aka Contra Hieroclem)
- Title Page
Chapters I to X
Chapters XI to XX
Chapters XXI to XXX
Chapters XXXI to XL
Chapters XLI to XLII
Also available at https://www.tertullian.org/fathers/euse ... rocles.htm"... I [Eusebius] will therefore ask you for the present to confine your attention to the comparison of Jesus Christ with Apollonius which is found in this treatise called the "Lover of Truth," without insisting on the necessity of our meeting the rest of his arguments, for these are pilfered from other people. We may reasonably confine our attention for the present to the history of Apollonius, because Hierocles, of all the writers who have ever attacked us, stands alone in selecting Apollonius, as he has recently done, for the purposes of comparison and contrast with our Saviour ..." https://sacred-texts.com/cla/aot/toe/toe01.htm
Sossianus Hierocles (fl. 303 AD) was a late Roman aristocrat and office-holder. He served as a praeses in Syria under Diocletian at some time in the 290s. He was then made vicarius of some district, perhaps Oriens (the East, including Syria, Palestine, and, at the time, Egypt) until 303, when he was transferred to Bithynia ... While in Bithynia, Hierocles authored Lover of Truth (Greek: Φιλαλήθης, Philalethes; also known as Φιλαλήθης λόγος, Philalethes logos), a critique of Christianity. Lover of Truth is noted as the first instance of the trope, popular in later pagan polemic, of comparing the pagan holy man Apollonius of Tyana to Jesus Christ. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sossianus_Hierocles
Logos has a well-priced publication ($6.99) with Greek and English versions
https://www.logos.com/product/46525/the ... -hierocles
Statistics: Posted by MrMacSon — Mon Dec 23, 2024 2:39 am