But just look at the opening of Celsus. There's this whole set up like Ambrose his patron compelled him to write the treatise. The idea of Ambrose the taskmaster trope. But is this true? Look at this forum. We're all heretics in the classic sense of the word. If you get a degree in a Catholic university and you're Catholic and you spend your life writing about the Bible's condemnation of abortion, you're not the same as Giuseppe writing about mythicism. We CHOOSE to write and investigate. Its the same difference between Masters and Johnson and Hugh Hefner. In the Church I think there was this growing emphasis on authority. Why does Origen feel compelled to write so many books? Is followed by, what was his authority to write and investigate. Inventing a narrative that some crazy former Marcionite was employing him, contracting him, to write 1000 books gets around the obvious idea that he CHOSE to write 1000 books and was a heretic.
Statistics: Posted by Secret Alias — Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:04 am