I don't follow for what you need an explanation. John's Jesus had gone from Galilee to Judea and was returning from Judea en route to Galilee when he stopped for a drink of water. Samaria lay between Judea and Galilee.yet the same gospel is unable to explain what was the reason of the presence of Jesus in Samaritan territory and even near the Mount Gerizim.However, John lays a strong foundation for a negative answer in 4:9, where Jesus in Samaritan territory asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water, and she responds "“You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman..."
Thank you also for correcting my earlier misinterpretation of your identification of Josephus's anonymous Samaritan prophet. I have amended that post to comply.
Statistics: Posted by Paul the Uncertain — Thu Dec 05, 2024 2:45 am