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Christian Texts and History • Re: Marcus, Marcion & Mark...

1.21.1 - 3. Don't even have to look.
Ahh, yes, that is where Eusebius' quote comes from.

I'll add to this, that Marcus was said to have presided over a church in Alexandria, and the tradition was that Mark the Evangelist also established the first Christian church in Alexandria, either that he wrote his Gospel there or that he wrote it in Rome and then travelled there. So both Marks are from Alexandria.

Now, as for 1.20-21: According to Irenaeus the Marcosians had Gnostic type interpretations for passages from several Gospels, including Matthew, Mark and Luke.

This is also interesting: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103121.htm

They maintain that those who have attained to perfect knowledge must of necessity be regenerated into that power which is above all. For it is otherwise impossible to find admittance within the Pleroma, since this [regeneration] it is which leads them down into the depths of Bythus. For the baptism instituted by the visible Jesus was for the remission of sins, but the redemption brought in by that Christ who descended upon Him, was for perfection; and they allege that the former is animal, but the latter spiritual. And the baptism of John was proclaimed with a view to repentance, but the redemption by Jesus was brought in for the sake of perfection. And to this He refers when He says, "And I have another baptism to be baptized with, and I hasten eagerly towards it." Moreover, they affirm that the Lord added this redemption to the sons of Zebedee, when their mother asked that they might sit, the one on His right hand, and the other on His left, in His kingdom, saying, "Can you be baptized with the baptism which I shall be baptized with?" (Mark 10:38) Paul, too, they declare, has often set forth, in express terms, the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; and this was the same which is handed down by them in so varied and discordant forms.

I have argued in several threads that in the original version of the Gospel of Mark, it was Jesus who baptized John and that it was John who was sent by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, not Jesus.

Irenaeus is alleging that Marcus taught that Jesus had a baptism and that his baptism changed once he became the Christ. This implies that Jesus executed a baptism upon becoming Christ. This again indicates that there was a version of the Gospel with a slightly different beginning in which Jesus performs a baptism.

Statistics: Posted by rgprice — Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:35 am

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