This might be the solution and it is interesting. ... on&f=false ... on&f=false
This would be interesting because it would show that Clement borrowed from Theodotos."Day unto day uttereth speech." As the heavens have various meanings, so also has day. Now speech is the Lord; and He is also frequently called day. "And night unto night showeth forth knowledge." The devil knew that the Lord was to come. But he did not believe that He was God; wherefore also he tempted Him, in order to know if He were powerful. It is said, "he left(6) Him, and departed from Him for a season;" that is, he postponed the discovery till the resurrection. For he knew that He who was to rise was the Lord. Likewise also the demons; since also they suspected that Solomon was the Lord, and they knew that he was not so, on his sinning. "Night to night." All the demons knew that He who rose after the passion was the Lord. And already Enoch(7) had said, that the angels who transgressed taught men astronomy and divination, and the rest of the arts.
Statistics: Posted by Secret Alias — Wed Dec 27, 2023 3:45 pm